Wp Scriptly July 2024 Newsletter

WpScripty – Scripts, Shortcode, Funtions & Blog

  1. Where to Learn PHP and CSS: A Beginner’s Guide Learn PHP and CSS with top resources: courses, tutorials, books, and practice platforms. Start your web development journey today!
  2. User Info Shortcodes: Display Nickname, Website Name, and Date with Ease Enhance your WordPress site with User Info Shortcodes. Display user nickname, website name, and current date easily. Simple, powerful, user-friendly
  3. WordPress Script to Display User Names and Their Post Lists Explore our website featuring profiles of contributors with their Gravatar icons and a list of all their published posts. Discover content from your favorite writers!
  4. Display User or Guest Gravatar and Nickname with a Shortcode in WordPress Display user or guest Gravatar and nickname using a shortcode in WordPress. Works with any theme, including Kadence and Astra. Simple, efficient setup.
  5. Top Reasons to Use WordPress for Client Website Design | Benefits for Web Developers Discover why WordPress is ideal for web developers: user-friendly, customizable, SEO-friendly, secure, scalable, and cost-effective for client websites.
  6. Display Post Publish Date with Custom Styling – Kadence Pro Guide Learn how to display post publish dates with custom styling using a shortcode in Kadence Pro. Advanced users will need custom post loop design skills.
  7. How to Customize Embed Styles in Your WordPress Theme Using the figure .wp-block-embed Class Learn how to customize embed styles in your WordPress theme using the figure .wp-block-embed class. Enhance your site’s design with these easy CSS tips.
  8. Converting a Functions Script to a WordPress Plugin Convert your functions script to a WordPress plugin effortlessly for streamlined management. Enhance functionality seamlessly
  9. Why I love creating scripts, simple plugins, and custom css for WordPress users. Passionate about creating scripts, simple plugins, and custom CSS for WordPress users, enhancing functionality and design effortlessly.
  10. WP Weekly Features WP Scriptly: Your Go-To Resource for Code Snippets Discover WP Scriptly on WP Weekly – a hub for CSS, shortcodes, and custom code snippets to enhance your WordPress site. Created by Scot Birchfield
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WP Scriptly Newsletter

The WpScriptly Monthly newsletter offers top insights for WordPress pros: new scripts, plugins, resources, tips, tools, updates, and more every month.
*Wp Scriptly will not share or sell your name and email adress to anyone!
