Adding a Tags Heading to Kadence Posts with a Hook
Easily add an inline “Tags” label with post tags in Kadence using a WordPress hook. Improve styling and customization for better user experience.
Easily add an inline “Tags” label with post tags in Kadence using a WordPress hook. Improve styling and customization for better user experience.
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Learn how to customize the Kadence theme by adding rounded corners, borders, and shadows to the navbar and header for a sleek, modern design.
Learn how to create custom metadata for single posts in Kadence, display it below the featured image, and enhance functionality using WP-PostViews and custom CSS.
This function displays a custom “Read More” hyperlink after the post meta in the Kadence theme for single posts in specific categories and their subcategories. The link navigates to the “recipe” section of the post, identified by the HTML anchor #recipe, and is styled with a custom red color.
Enhancing the visual appeal of your post images within the Kadence theme is simple with a subtle yet effective addition: a triangle beneath the image.
Optimize your Kadence theme archive posts with improved SEO. Rearrange metadata below excerpts for better readability and user experience.