Shortcode - WpScriptly

Displaying Total amount of a donation form With a Short Code

This concept focuses on developers implementing a system to track the total donation amount collected through a designated form. Users utilize this form to contribute predefined amounts, which are then processed and aggregated. The developer’s task involves creating a backend solution that accurately records each donation transaction, calculates the cumulative sum in real-time, and provides precise reporting of the total donated amount. Key aspects include ensuring secure transaction handling, integrating with payment processing services, and offering analytics to assess the performance of the donation form.

Total paid donation amount

This is a shortcode script that works with Fluent forms – donation script.

I use fluent snippet plugin for all my functions, JS and CSS needs

Place script in the functions.php or use your favorite code snippet plugin

V2 – new code @jon did a update and cleaned the coding.

function get_total_amount() {
    global $wpdb;

    // Specify the form ID
    $form_id = 7;

    // Query the wp_fluentform_transactions table for successful payments for the specific form ID
    $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("
        SELECT payment_total 
        FROM {$wpdb->prefix}fluentform_transactions
        WHERE payment_status = 'paid' AND form_id = %d
    ", $form_id));

    // Check if there are any results
    if (empty($results)) {
        return '<p class="total">No payments found for this form.</p>';

    $totalPaid = 0;

    // Loop through the results and calculate the total paid
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        // Assuming payment_total is in cents, divide by 100 to get the correct amount
        $totalPaid += (float) $result->payment_total / 100;

    // Escape the total paid before outputting and handle formatting
    return '<p class="total">Total Collected Payment:<span> £' . esc_html(number_format($totalPaid, 2)) . '</span></p>';

// Register shortcode to display the total amount
add_shortcode('total_paid', 'get_total_amount');

V1 – old code

function get_total_amount() {
$entries = $formApi->entries();
//change the 5 to your form ID number
$formApi = fluentFormApi('forms')->entryInstance($formId = 5);
$totalEntries = count($entries);
for($i=0; $i<$totalEntries; $i++){
if($entries['data'][$i]->payment_status === 'paid'){
$totalPaid+= (($entries['data'][$i]->payment_total)/100);
} }
if (is_int($totalPaid)) {
return '<p class="total">Total Collected Payment:' . '<span> $' . number_format($totalPaid, 2) . '.00' . '</span></p>';
// register shortcode
add_shortcode('total_paid', 'get_total_amount');


Customize the CSS to fit your needs.

.total { 
.total span {

To display the total amount donated via form 5 → change the form id to match your form ID.

Place the shortcode in the shortcode block. You can add a custom style to it as well.


This script AS IS.


Wp Scriptly

These scripts, CSS styles, and plugins are designed to work best with minimal interference from themes or other plugins. If conflicts arise, adjustments may be needed.
Please note that they must be used as is.”

Let me know if you’d like any further refinements!

Wp Scriptly

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